Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Juried Shows

I wanted to post copies of the postcards of two juried shows I got into for the summer (a decision I came to while pondering what to do with all the extra postcards ... not that this is a solution). The one that is currently exhibiting as of today is "Sense of Place" at the Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art in Augusta, GA. The other one just came down -- an exhibit called "American Print" at the Foothills Art Center in Golden, CO. From CO to GA, I'm working my way to the East Coast (I hope)! The next show I plan to enter is in Japan.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

New Semester

A new semester is right around the corner ... really in a little over a week. I am excited to be finishing my final year in graduate school, and a little nervous about it, too. What I'm really hoping is that my artwork will change again ... maybe drastically, maybe not so drastically. All I know is that I feel a little lost right now (fitting for my current art motifs). I am excited about exploring new mapping possibilities - for instance, a new wave of internet mapping that allows amateurs to create maps. I wonder how far that can be pushed ... I'm also interested in mapping tools, and especially the idea of those tools that are now obsolete. I was thinking about that today. With all the technology now, internet mapping and gps and whatnot, some tools, though they still work, are outdated. And yet I feel like those outdated tools provide more of a personality and relationship to the actual experience than the new more efficient technologies. Anyway, that's just one train of thought. Otherwise, I'm thinking about the human need to identify with a location. Where am I? Where am I going? Important questions for me right now in terms of figuring things out in life and art. So I think I do want to continue working with maps and the ideas of mapmaking ... I just have to figure out where I'm going. Reading right now: 'You Are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination' by Katharine Harmon

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Family and Friends

When I started working on my website, I couldn't think of anything to write about myself for my bio. I asked my family and friends to send me sentences, phrases, paragraphs, or anything that they thought I should include ... well, here is what they sent. I'm very flattered by the messages I got (when I wholly expected to get silly responses). Instead ...

Submitted Bios:
Lauren is the type of person who likes to spend her birthdays on the banks of Marseille or sun bathing on the beaches of St. Marie de la Mer.
Well traveled, but down to earth, Lauren started her career in art at an early age.
-Marissa Wagner

Can you imagine an artist who excels in all mediums of art? An artist who is not only sweet, kind, and thoughful, but also humble and selfless...Well I know where an artist like that exists. Her name is Lauren and you are reading blurbs on her page. She's not only an amazing artist, but also a wonderful person. I've never met anyone as genuine as Lauren. If you know her, then you're blessed. If you don't, then you don't know what you're missing out on.

Lauren moved to Philadelphia to attend graduate school at Tyler School of Art in August 2006 and her roommate, Brigette, needs only one word to describe her as an artist and friend:
-Brigette Marshala

Lauren. A girl with dreamy eyes. Always seeking beauty and adventure. Modest and considerate. Honest and creative with friendships. An over all accurate example for a lovely human existence.
-Karl Bernhard

Lauren is one of those strong-willed, hard-working creative people who always manage to fit in everywhere they go. She has a personal style that cannot be matched. I guess you could call it glamorous rockabilly, but it’s never too trendy or over-the-top; although, I do recall a certain orange hat that served as a permanent accessory for at least a few months.
People always remember her, and it’s no surprise because she is difficult to forget. Her ability to accomplish anything she sets her mind to, her unbounded intelligence, and the way she doesn’t let these two things intimidate every person she meets are what I think draw people toward her. She is the always-smiling, always-laughing, always-charming, always-enlightening girl next door. She appears so accessible, and people see it as an open invitation to get to know her. Her art, like her life, unveils itself as an open door to her soul; however, she would never equate her identity with the views of the world has of her. At times, unseen by many, she is shy, quiet, and soft-spoken. She cares deeply for people and gives from her heart. She is a world-traveler with many dreams, and—knowing her—I am sure she will accomplish them all.
-Brooke Breaux

So thanks to everyone!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Welcome to my blog...

After seeing blogs upon blogs for different friends and artists, I decided to start my own as a more personal extension of the website I'm creating for myself (slowly but surely). That address is laurenabshire.com, and it is very much under construction. Hopefully I'll finish it sometime soon ... maybe over the summer -- the season of unfinished projects. I have only two weeks of classes left in this semester, and, as excited as I am to have summer right around the corner, I am stressing over not getting any real work done the past few weeks. I definitely haven't made the progress I know I could have ... I've been so busy going to art openings and closings, cultural events for seminar, etc. that I am exhausted with socializing. However, I now have this blog to update regularly ... so I guess I better start accumulating new work to post. Thanks for visiting ... more to come.